Building Our Future
Building Our Future is the name chosen for our stewardship campaign which is our essential next step as a church. Our current building has 15,200 square feet and, as you have experienced, we are facing capacity issues. Along with the capacity issues, the square footage limits many of our growing ministries. We are incredibly thankful and love our current facility, but we are already doing 3 services each weekend. We praise God that we are seeing this challenging opportunity, but we must respond in faith to God’s faithfulness. I often ask God “Why are you blessing us so much, Lord?” The Lord has continued to impress upon me that He wants to do something unusually great through this church, but we must respond with great faith to see great things. This is our time, this is our moment, this is our calling, we must respond with great faith to our great God.

The Opportunity
We believe that with God’s guidance, the Building Our Future Campaign will allow us to achieve two major accomplishments for our church to be the kind of church we envision. The two major components that make up the Building Our Future Campaign are to purchase land near our current location and build a facility that will allow us to continue the great work God has called us to. The facility that we hope to build will be around 65,000 square feet and consist of a state-of-the-art auditorium with 1600-1800 seats but with a strategic design to keep an intimate experience for people, an expansive lobby for fellowship and for helping people connect, an amazing café and resource center for connection and discipleship, a first-class children’s, a youth facility to reach the next generation for Christ, and lastly a uniquely designed space with several multipurpose rooms for training, discipleship, and equipping.